:tocdepth: 2 .. _changes: ChangeLog ========= .. include:: ../../CHANGES.rst circuits-2.0.1 20121124 ----------------------- - Fixed ``tests/web/test_main.py`` which was badly written. - Fixed a regression test testing the Debugger component circuits-2.0.0 20121122 (cheetah) --------------------------------- - Fixed circuits.web entry point - Fixed `tools.reprhandler()` for compatibility with Python-3.3 - Added ``*channels`` support to waitEvent - Added example of using .call - Fixed logic around firing the Daemonize event when registering this component during run-time and after start-up - Fixed use of reprhandler - Fixed listening channel for exceptions/errors. - Fixed channels for Log event. - Fixed config loading. Fire a Ready event when the Environment is completely ready. - Added .items(...) method to Config component. - Added BaseEvent, LiteralEvent, DerivedEvent to the core and circuits name-spaces - Fixed IRC protocol - Added has_option to Config component - Avoid error if user un-registers a component twice. - Fixed base_url for WebConsole - Fixed bug with sending Response for a Expect: 100-continue (Closes issue #32) - Added a new circuits.web test that ensures that large posts > 1024 bytes work - Updated conf so that doc can be built even if circuits isn't installed - Updated reference of guide to howtos - Updated man headers so that they weren't all "Components" - Fixed all web dispatcher tests - Fixed XMLRPC dispatcher. Must have a higher priority than the "default" dispatcher in order to coexist with it. - Fixed unit test for failure response from web *component* (component's handler must have higher priority than default dispatcher if default dispatcher exists). - Added failure test for web *controller*. - Fixed JSON dispatcher. Must have a higher priority than the "default" dispatcher in order to coexist with it. - Fixed vpath traversal. vpath created in reverse ("test_args/1/2/3" became "3/2/1/test_args"). - Fixed evaluation of the Complete event: exclude events fired by other threads during event processing from the set of events to be tracked. - Don't call tick on components that are waiting to be unregistered. - Using new PrepareUnregister event to reliably remove sockets from poller. - Fixes for PrepareUnregister and added test case. - Added event that informs components about going to be removed from the tree. - Fixed client request generation (MUST include Host header). - Fixed channel naming in web.Client to allow several clients (i.e. connections to web sites) to coexist in an application. - Prevented uncameling of event names that represent web requests. Handlers can now use the last path segment unmodified as handled event's name. - Fixed the new dispatcher with new tests - Fixed bug in complete event generation. - Added optional event signaling the completion of an event and everything that has been caused by it. - Added the possibility to redirect the success events to other channels. - Updated documentation to reflect the new "handler suspend" feature. - Replaced web dispatcher with simpler version - Added support for x = yield self.callEvent(...) - Made test_main more reliable - Removed old BaseManager from playing with GreenletManager. Fixed test_manager_repr - Fixed the exceptions being thrown for test_eval, but the test still fails - Added a new failing test - evaluation of promised values - Removed superfluous .value in test_longwait - Added support for alllowing future handlers to have a "special" event parameter just like ordinary handlers. - Fixed test_success - Fixed test_removeHandler - Added support for firing Done() and Success() after all done executing. - Fixed callEvent - Added 2 failing tests for yield - Implemented promises which we detect for in circuits.web in cases where an event handler yields. Also only fire _success events after an event is well and truly finished (in the case of yielding event handlers) - Fixed a bug with value not being set - Fixed Issue #26 - Added capability of waiting for a specific event name on a specific channel. - Fixed bug guarding against tasks already removed. - Implemented Component.init() support whereby one can define an alternative init() without needing to remember to call super(...) - Fixed Python 3 compatibility with Unicode strings - Added 99bottles as an example of concurrency. See: http://wiki.python.org/moin/Concurrency/99Bottles - Removed old-style channel targeting - Fixed and tested UDP forwarding - Simplified udpclient example - Implemented new version of port forwarded. TCP tested. - Fixed Read events for UDPServer by setting .notify to True. - Restructured the only How To Guide - Building a Simple Server - Renamed _get_request_handler to just find_handler - Removed channels attribute from WebEvents (fix for issue #29). - Added Eclipse configuration files. - Fixed uses of deprecated syntax in app.config - Modified the defaults for channels. Set channels to event.channels, otherwise self.channel defaulting to * - Fixed uses of deprecated syntax in env - Fixed a bug with the Redirect event/error in circuits.web where it didn't handle Unicode strings - fixed the web dispatcher - Fixed test_poller_reuse test by using the now findtype() utility function - fixed and adds tests for the web dispatcher - Moved parseBody out into circuits.web.utils. Other code cleanup - Added a test for a bug with the dispatcher mehere found. - Removed itercmp() function. Added findtype() findchannel() and used better variable names. findcmp is an alias of findtype. - Implemented optional singleton support for components - Removed the circuits.web `routes` dispatcher as there are no tests for this and Routes dispatcher is broken - re implement at a later stage - Removal of End feedback event - Fixed web/test_value.py - Fixed web futures test - Simplified and fixed a lot of issues the circuits.bench - Fixed circuits.web's exceptions tests and handling of exceptions. - Fixed a potential bug with ``circuits.web.wsgi.Application``. - Modified Manager to only assign a handler return value if it is not None. - Fixed ``*_success`` and ``*_failure`` events fire on ``*event.channels`` so they go to the right place as expected. Fixed Issue #21 - Removed event equality test and related tests. Seems rather useless and inconsistently used - Fixed test_gzip circuits.web test. We no longer have a Started event feedback so have to use a filter - Fixed a corner case where one might be trying to compare an event object with a non-event object - Fixed the event handling for circuits.web WebSockets Component by separating out the WebSockets handling from the HTTP handling (WebSocketsMediator). - Fixed use of Value notification in circuits.web for requests. - Fixed a bunch of examples and tests using deprecated features. - Fixed the notify io driver and removed Debugger() from test_notify. - Added man pages for circuits.bench, circuits.sniff and circuits.web - Wrapped UNIX-specific calls in try/except - Tidied up examples and removed unused imports - removed use of coverage module in daemon test - removed use of coverage module in signals test - updated .push calls to .fire calls - Fixed some deprecations warnings - Added support for multiple webserver with different channels + tests for it - Added support for silently ignoring errors when writing to stderr from debugger - Added requirements.txt file containing requirements for building docs on readthedocs.org - Added link to Read the Docs for circuits - Updated doc message for success event - Fixed interrupt handler to allow ^C to be used to quit sample keyecho app - Removed deprecated modules and functions that were deprecated 1.6 - Deleted old style event success/failure notifiers - Fixed handling of components being added/removed when looking for ticks - Fixed bug with ``net.Server`` .host and .port attributes. - Deprecated ``__tick__``. Event handlers can now be specified as **tick** functions. - Fixed handler priority inheritance to make sure we get the results in the right harder - Fixed missing import of sys in circuits.io circuits-1.6 (oceans) - 20110626 -------------------------------- - Added Python 3 support - 80% Code Coverage - Added optional greenlet support adding two new primitives. ``.waitEvent(...)`` and ``.callEvent(...)``. - Added an example WebSockets server using circuits.web - Added support for specifying a ``Poll`` instance to use when using the ``@future`` decorator to create "future" event handlers. - Added ``add_section``, ``has_section`` and ``set`` methods to ``app.config.Config`` Component. - Added support for running test suite with distutils ``python setup.py test``. - Added a ``_on_signal`` event handler on the ``BaseEnvironment`` Component so that environments can be reloaded by listening to ``SIGHUP`` signals. - Added support for using absolute paths in ``app.env.Environment``. - Added support in circuits.web ``HTTP`` protocol to limit the no. of header fragments. This prevents OOM exploits. - Added a ticks limit to waitEvent - Added deprecation warnings for .push .add and .remove methods - NEW ``Loader`` Component in ``circuits.core`` for simple plugin support. - NEW ``app.env`` and ``app.config`` modules including a new ``app.startup`` modules integrating a common startup for applications. - NEW ``KQueue`` poller - Fixed :bbissue:`17` - Renamed ``circuits.web.main`` module to ``circuits.web.__main__`` so that ``python -m circuits.web`` just works. - Fixed ``Server.host`` and ``Server.port`` properties in ``circuits.net.sockets``. - Fixed :bbissue:`10` - Fixed ``app.Daemon`` Component to correctly open the stderr file. - Fixed triggering of ``Success`` events. - Fixed duplicate broadcast handler in ``UDPServer`` - Fixed duplicate ``Disconnect`` event from being triggered twice on ``Client`` socket components. - Removed dynamic timeout code from ``Select`` poller. - Fixed a bug in the circuits.web ``HTTP`` protocol where headers were not being buffered per client. - Fixes a missing Event ``Closed()`` not being triggered for ``UDPServer``. - Make underlying ``UDPServer`` socket reusable by setting ``SO_REUSEADDR`` - Fixes Server socket being discarded twice on close + disconnect - Socket.write now expects bytes (bytes for python3 and str for python2) - Better handling of encoding in HTTP Component (allow non utf-8 encoding) - Always encode HTTP headers in utf-8 - Fixes error after getting socket.ERRCONNREFUSED - Allows TCPClient to bind to a specific port - Improved docs - Handles closing of UDPServer socket when no client is connected - Adds an un-register handler for components - Allows utils.kill to work from a different thread - Fixes bug when handling "*" in channels and targets - Fixes a bug that could occur when un-registering components - Fixes for CPU usage problems when using circuits with no I/O pollers and using a Timer for timed events