circuits.core.workers module


Worker is a component used to perform “work” in independent threads or processes. Simply create an instance of Worker() with either process=True to create a pool of workers using sub-processes for CPU-bound work or False (the default) for a thread pool of workers for I/O bound work.

Then fire task() events with a function and *args and **kwargs to pass to the function when called from within the workers.

class circuits.core.workers.Worker(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: circuits.core.components.BaseComponent

A thread/process Worker Component

This Component creates a pool of workers (either a thread or process) and executures the supplied function from a task() event passing supplied arguments and keyword-arguments to the function.

A task_success event is fired upon successful execution of the function and task_failure if it failed and threw an exception. The task() event can also be “waited” upon by using the .call() and .wait() primitives.

Parameters:process (bool) – True to start this Worker as a process (Thread otherwise)

initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

channel = 'worker'
init(process=False, workers=None, channel='worker')
class circuits.core.workers.task(f, *args, **kwargs)


task Event

This Event is used to initiate a new task to be performed by a Worker

  • f (function) – The function to be executed.
  • args (tuple) – Arguments to pass to the function
  • kwargs (dict) – Keyword Arguments to pass to the function

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see x.__class__.__doc__ for signature

failure = True
success = True