.. _Developer Mailing List: http://groups.google.com/group/circuits-dev .. _Issue Tracker: https://github.com/circuits/circuits/issues .. _Libera.Chat IRC Network: https://libera.chat .. _IRC Channel: https://web.libera.chat/#circuits Development Introduction ======================== Here's how we do things in circuits... Communication ------------- - `IRC Channel`_ on the `Libera.Chat IRC Network`_ - `Developer Mailing List`_ - `Issue Tracker`_ .. note:: If you are familiar with `IRC `_ and use your own IRC Client then connect to the Libera.Chat Network and ``/join #circuits``. Standards --------- We use the following coding standard: - `PEP-008 `_ We also lint our codebase with the following tools: - `pyflakes `_ - `pep8 `_ - `mccabe `_ Please ensure your Development IDE or Editor has the above linters and checkers in place and enabled. Alternatively you can use the following command line tool: - `flake8 `_ Tools ----- We use the following tools to develop circuits and share code: - **Code Sharing:** `Git `_ - **Code Hosting and Bug Reporting:** `GitHub `_ - **Issue Tracker:** `Issue Tracker `_ - **Documentation Hosting:** `Read the Docs `_ - **Package Hosting:** `Python Package Index (PyPi) `_ - **Continuous Integration:** `Github Actions `_